Today Mrs Struif took 4 EAWR sophomores to attend the youth advisory council at SIUE with Senator Erica Harriss.
Morning Announcements for:
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
**Juniors and Seniors: The After Prom Committee is sponsoring a road block scheduled for this Saturday from 8am-4pm at the intersection of Wood River Ave & Penning. Students that volunteer can earn community service hours. Please use the link Mrs. Robinson emailed you to sign up. It is very important that if you sign up that you show up.
**Student Council is hosting a pumpkin painting party on October 24th right after school. If you would like to participate, please sign up in the attendance center. There are only 30 spots available and you must be signed up to participate.
**Juniors--the PSAT testing list for tomorrow was shared by Mrs. Robinson. Juniors/students on the list will test on tomorrow during hours 1-4. This College Board test is going to be taken online so it is important to be sure to have a fully charged chromebook. Juniors please report directly to your testing room tomorrow. If there are questions regarding the test please see Mrs. Vambaketes or Mrs. Struif in the guidance office. Also, teacher room changes have been shared with you as a tab on the testing list. Please be sure to notify classes about room changes. The CCC is closed thru 4th hour tomorrow for PSAT testing. The only students allowed in the CCC will be those who will be testing.
**The City of Wood River is looking for volunteers to help with the 2nd Annual Chili Cook Off this Saturday from 2-6 pm. Volunteers will help with the children's area, set up, clean up, and runners for the event. If you are interested in signing up please sign up in the attendance. This will be held downtown Wood River.
**Students and staff are encouraged to wear orange on Unity Day tomorrow to show they care about safe and supportive schools and communities. This is the day when everyone can come together and send one large ORANGE message of kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
**Today the juniors/seniors will meet in the auditorium during academic lab and Thursday the freshmen/sophomores will meet in the auditorium during academic lab for our yearly crisis meeting that Mr. Johnson will lead.
**Friday will be Picture Retake Day! If Lifetouch did not take your photo in September, please make sure you get it taken on Friday. If you are unhappy with the pics you had taken in September, Friday is your chance at a re-do. Picture forms are available in the Main Office.
**There will be a meeting during academic lab in the CCC Friday for anyone interested in playing boys basketball. See Mr. Gockel or Mrs. Dixon for a pass to attend.
**The theme for the volleyball game Thursday is camo, and the theme for Friday night’s football game is gold rush. Friday is also senior night.
The EAWR College and Career Night is Wednesday, October 25th from 5 to 7 pm in the East Building Courtyard. All EAWR students and parents, as well as, students/parents from other districts are welcome to attend.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Tues, Oct 24th from 4-7 pm and Wed, Oct 25th from 4-7 pm.
--Appointments can be scheduled through Skyward Family Access.
--Use parent log-in (not students) when signing in to schedule a conference.
--Click on the teacher conference icon on the left.
--Select “all conference” and then select time.
You will receive an email confirmation after scheduling.
If you need assistance, call 618-254-3151, ext. 2520.
Please let Mrs. Vambaketes know as soon as possible if an interpreter is needed by contacting her at 618-254-3151, ext 2533.
Today's schedule and results from Monday's action.
Volleyball Senior Night 2023--Sammy Kulish
Morning Announcements for:
Monday, October 16, 2023
**Peer Leadership will meet today during Academic Lab in E122. If you are a peer leader, please check the google classroom page for a message from our Chestnut Health rep.
**Reminder that all 12th grade students must have record of their required meningitis shots turned in to the nurse today. If there are questions regarding a shot record please contact Nurse Kelly.
**Also, reminder that all 9th grade students are required to have a physical turned in to the nurse today. If there are questions regarding physicals please contact Nurse Kelly.
**Juniors and Seniors: The After Prom Committee is sponsoring a road block scheduled for this Saturday from 8am-4pm at the intersection of Wood River Ave & Penning. Students that volunteer can earn community service hours. Please use the link Mrs. Robinson emailed you to sign up. It is very important that if you sign up that you show up.
**Student Council is hosting a pumpkin painting party on October 24th right after school. If you would like to participate, please sign up in the attendance center. There are only 30 spots available and you must be signed up to participate.
**Juniors--the PSAT testing list for this Wednesday was shared by Mrs. Robinson. Juniors/students on the list will test on this Wednesday during hours 1-4. This College Board test is going to be taken online so it is important to be sure to have a fully charged chromebook. Juniors please report directly to your testing room this Wednesday. If there are questions regarding the test please see Mrs. Vambaketes or Mrs. Struif in the guidance office. Also, teacher room changes have been shared with you as a tab on the testing list. Please be sure to notify classes about room changes Wednesday. The CCC is closed thru 4th hour this Wednesday for SAT testing. The only students allowed in the CCC will be those who will be testing there that day.
**The City of Wood River is looking for volunteers to help with the 2nd Annual Chili Cook Off this Saturday from 2-6 pm. Volunteers will help with the children's area, set up, clean up, and runners for the event. If you are interested in signing up please sign up in the attendance. This will be held downtown Wood River.
**Students and staff are encouraged to wear orange on Unity Day this Wednesday to show they care about safe and supportive schools and communities. This is the day when everyone can come together and send one large ORANGE message of kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
**Tomorrow the juniors/seniors will meet in the auditorium during academic lab and Thursday the freshmen/sophomores will meet in the auditorium during academic lab for our yearly crisis meeting that Mr. Johnson will lead.
**Friday will be Picture Retake Day! If Lifetouch did not take your photo in September, please make sure you get it taken on Friday. If you are unhappy with the pics you had taken in September, Friday is your chance at a re-do. Picture forms are available in the Main Office.
The following students received office referrals for being caught doing great things on Friday. Great job!
Weekend results and today's schedule
The Guidance Department had Julie Smith from Webster University present to students today about social media literacy.
Congratulations to these two students for being "Caught Doing Great Things" yesterday. They received a referral to the main office to be recognized. Way to go you two!
This weekend's schedule. Please note that girls tennis at the IHSA Sectional has been postponed to Saturday morning at 9:00 am due to today's forecasted weather.
Pink Night here in Wood River vs. Roxana. Freshman underway!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Tues, Oct 24th from 4-7 pm and Wed, Oct 25th from 4-7 pm.
--Appointments can be scheduled through Skyward Family Access.
--Use parent log-in (not students) when signing in to schedule a conference.
--Click on the teacher conference icon on the left.
--Select “all conference” and then select time.
You will receive an email confirmation after scheduling.
If you need assistance, call 618-254-3151, ext. 2520.
Please let Mrs. Vambaketes know as soon as possible if an interpreter is needed by contacting her at 618-254-3151, ext 2533.
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign offers need-based financial aid through our Illinois Commitment program.
Illinois Commitment covers tuition and fees for up to four years for Illinois residents whose family income is $67,100 or less. For more detailed information about the program and to learn whether a student may qualify, review our FAQ.
Students interested in the program should apply to Illinois and complete a FAFSA. They can contact our Office of Student Financial Aid at or 217-333-0100 with any questions.
Morning Announcements for:
Thursday, October 12, 2023
**East Alton First United Methodist Church is looking for volunteers to help construct a Haunted House for their annual community Trunk or Treat. Volunteers are needed on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays from 4:30-6:30 pm. Check your email from Mrs. Robinson for more detailed dates and time as well as contact information.
**Reminder that all 12th grade students must have record of their required meningitis shots turned in to the nurse by Monday, October 16th. If there are questions regarding a shot record please contact Nurse Kelly.
**Reminder that all 9th grade students are required to have a physical turned in to the nurse by Monday, October 16th. If there are questions regarding physicals please contact Nurse Kelly.
**Juniors and Seniors: The After Prom Committee is sponsoring a road block scheduled for October 21st, from 8am-4pm at the intersection of Wood River Ave & Penning. Students that volunteer can earn community service hours. Please use the link Mrs Robinson emailed you to sign up. It is very important that if you sign up that you show up.
**Student Council is hosting a pumpkin painting party on October 24th right after school. If you would like to participate, please sign up in the attendance center. There are only 30 spots available and you must be signed up to participate.
**The Wood River Heritage Council is looking for two volunteers to help with monthly cleaning at the Wood River Historic Chapel. If interested please contact Cathi Stalcup at the number provided in your email from Mrs. Robinson.
**ATTENTION ALL DRAMA CLUB MEMBERS: There will be a Drama Club Meeting this Friday, October 13th, at 5pm. We will NOT have our Wand Making Night after the meeting. Instead, the Wand Making Activity is now scheduled on Saturday, October 21st from 1pm to 3pm in the Auditorium during Saturday's build day. This is a come-and-go type of event, so please stop by if you can!
**Juniors--the PSAT testing list for October 18th was shared by Mrs. Robinson. Juniors/students on the list will test on the 18th during hours 1-4. This College Board test is going to be taken online so it is important to be sure to have a fully charged chromebook the day of testing. Juniors please report directly to your testing on the 18th. If there are questions regarding the test please see Mrs. Vambaketes or Mrs. Struif in the guidance office. Also teachers room changes have been shared with you as a tab on the testing list. Please be sure to notify classes about room changes on the 18th.
**The City of Wood River is looking for volunteers to help with the 2nd Annual Chili Cook Off on Saturday, October 21st from 2-6 pm. Volunteers will help with the children's area, set up, clean up, and runners for the event. If you are interested in signing up please sign up in the attendance. This will be held downtown Wood River.
**There are a few tickets for the Rotary Chili Dinner, for this Friday’s football game at Roxana, in the Main Office. If you are attending the game and would like a ticket, stop by the main office.
**Students and staff are encouraged to wear orange on Unity Day, Wednesday, October 18, to show they care about safe and supportive schools and communities. This is the day when everyone can come together and send one large ORANGE message of kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
**Next Tuesday, October 17th the juniors/seniors will meet in the auditorium during academic lab and Thursday, October 19th the freshmen/sophomores will meet in the auditorium during academic lab for our yearly crisis meeting that Mr. Johnson will lead.
**JFL is needing volunteers for this Sunday to work concessions for the JFL football games. If you can volunteer from 11:30-3:30 please sign up in the google doc shared by Mrs. Robinson. Seniors remember if you finish hours by November 1st you can earn the extra semester exemption opportunity.
Congratulations Jonathan for doing great things!
Athletic schedule for today.
Congratulations to all of the Renaissance students and prize winners.
Morning Announcements for:
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
**East Alton First United Methodist Church is looking for volunteers to help construct a Haunted House for their annual community Trunk or Treat. Volunteers are needed on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays from 4:30-6:30 pm. Check your email from Mrs. Robinson for more detailed dates and time as well as contact information.
**11th and 12th grader Talent Search students will meet today during Academic Lab. Mrs. Walters will have field trip permission forms and hoodies for you.
**Reminder that all 12th grade students must have record of their required meningitis shots turned in to the nurse by Monday, October 16th. If there are questions regarding a shot record please contact Nurse Kelly.
**Reminder that all 9th grade students are required to have a physical turned in to the nurse by Monday, October 16th. If there are questions regarding physicals please contact Nurse Kelly.
**Juniors and Seniors: The After Prom Committee is sponsoring a road block scheduled for October 21st, from 8am-4pm at the intersection of Wood River Ave & Penning. Students that volunteer can earn community service hours. Please use the link Mrs Robinson emailed you to sign up. It is very important that if you sign up that you show up.
**Student Council is hosting a pumpkin painting party on October 24th right after school. If you would like to participate, please sign up in the attendance center. There are only 30 spots available and you must be signed up to participate.
**The Wood River Heritage Council is looking for two volunteers to help with monthly cleaning at the Wood River Historic Chapel. If interested please contact Cathi Stalcup at the number provided in your email from Mrs. Robinson.
**ATTENTION ALL DRAMA CLUB MEMBERS: There will be a Drama Club Meeting this Friday, October 13th, at 5pm. We will NOT have our Wand Making Night after the meeting. Instead, the Wand Making Activity is now scheduled on Saturday, October 21st from 1pm to 3pm in the Auditorium during Saturday's build day. This is a come-and-go type of event, so please stop by if you can!
**Community service hours have been updated by Mrs Robinson in Skyward as of Monday the 9th. If there are questions about resubmits please contact Mr Gockel.
**Today is the assembly to honor the Renaissance winners. The assembly will be held at 1:00 in the Auditorium. Teachers need to release those students at 12:45. Check your email from Mrs. Dixon for a list of students that will be attending.
**Juniors--the PSAT testing list for October 18th was shared last night by Mrs Robinson. Juniors/students on the list will test on the 18th during hours 1-4. This College Board test is going to be taken online so it is important to be sure to have a fully charged chromebook the day of testing. Juniors please report directly to your testing on the 18th. If there are questions regarding the test please see Mrs Vambaketes or Mrs Struif in the guidance office. Also teachers room changes have been shared with you as a tab on the testing list. Please be sure to notify classes about room changes on the 18th.
**The City of Wood River is looking for volunteers to help with the 2nd Annual Chili Cook Off on Saturday, October 21st from 2-6 pm. Volunteers will help with the children's area, set up, clean up, and runners for the event. If you are interested in signing up please sign up in the attendance. This will be held downtown Wood River.
**There are a few tickets for the Rotary Chili Dinner, for this Friday’s football game at Roxana, in the Main Office. If you are attending the game and would like a ticket, stop by the main office.
**Definition of Kindness - the quality state of being kind, friendly, generous, and considerate. Check out the Guidance Department's Google Classroom to see Mrs. Hollaway's KIND photo. She is a prime example of kindness. Her upbeat personality, willingness to help others, and ability to share caring words is all a part of being KIND. You can be the "I" in KIND! Take a picture in front of the "KIND" banner in the East Building, upload it to the Guidance Google Classroom, or comment in Guidance Google Classroom letting us know someone you believe is KIND and why to be entered into a drawing for a fun prize!
**Next Tuesday, October 17th the juniors/seniors will meet in the auditorium during academic lab and Thursday, October 19th the freshmen/sophomores will meet in the auditorium during academic lab for our yearly crisis meeting that Mr. Johnson will lead.