Here in Granite City tonight for Oilers Hockey vs. Columbia.
over 3 years ago, Mark Beatty
After Prom is selling Cardinal Calendars as a fundraiser. All junior and seniors should have received an order form however additional forms are available in the Attendance Center. Calendars are $16 and all money and order forms are due by November 10th. Checks should be made payable to EAWR After Prom.
over 3 years ago, Leigh Robinson
Cardinal Calendar
Today is Thursday, November 4, 2021 **Big Sisters: After school today at 2:45pm we will be holding our Walk-A-Thon fundraiser at the track. Remember all money collected will be due by Wednesday, November 10th to Mrs. Miller or Mrs. Parmentier. **After Prom is selling Cardinal Calendars as a fundraiser. If you didn't get an order form please stop by the Attendance Center to pick one up. Calendars are $16 and all money and order forms are due by November 10th. **There will be a meeting for girls interested in bowling this season in room M221 during Academic Lab on Monday November 8th. Important information and paperwork will be given at this time so those who attended the first meeting will also need to attend this one. Please get a pass from either Mr. Herron or Mrs. Moore BEFORE THE DAY OF THE MEETING! **There will be a meeting for anyone interested in wrestling in the Auditorium today during Academic Lab. Coach Donohoo will be presenting the practice schedule with everyone as well as checking required paperwork. To register for wrestling, go to and click "Athletic Registration". That will take you to your 8to18 account where you may sign up for wrestling. Again, a wrestling meeting is Thursday during academic lab. Stop by the Attendance Center for a pass to attend.
over 3 years ago, Carla Guthrie
Good morning Oilers! We rise by lifting others. Kindness is contagious! Remember to do great things!
over 3 years ago, Superintendent Miller
(2 of 2) - It was great seeing everyone at our fall sports awards night! We had a great showing and it was a fantastic way to recognize our student athletes. Thanks again to all our seniors for your commitment to our athletic programs. It's a great time to be an Oiler!
over 3 years ago, Mark Beatty
(1 of 2) - It was great seeing everyone at our fall sports awards night! We had a great showing and it was a fantastic way to recognize our student athletes. Thanks again to all our seniors for your commitment to our athletic programs. It's a great time to be an Oiler!
over 3 years ago, Mark Beatty
Cross Country
Today is Wednesday, November 3, 2021 **Big Sisters: After school tomorrow at 2:45pm we will be holding our Walk-A-Thon fundraiser at the track. Please be working on your sponsor sheets. Remember all money collected will be due by Wednesday, November 10th to Mrs. Miller or Mrs. Parmentier. **After Prom is selling Cardinal Calendars as a fundraiser. If you didn't get an order form please stop by the Attendance Center to pick one up. Calendars are $16 and all money and order forms are due by November 10th. **There will be a meeting for girls interested in bowling this season in room M221 during Academic Lab on Monday November 8th. Important information and paperwork will be given at this time so those who attended the first meeting will also need to attend this one. Please get a pass from either Mr. Herron or Mrs. Moore BEFORE THE DAY OF THE MEETING! **There will be a meeting for anyone interested in wrestling in the Auditorium tomorrow during Academic Lab. Coach Donohoo will be presenting the practice schedule with everyone as well as checking required paperwork. To register for wrestling, go to and click "Athletic Registration". That will take you to your 8to18 account where you may sign up for wrestling. Again, a wrestling meeting is Thursday during academic lab. Stop by the Attendance Center for a pass to attend. **There will be a meeting today during academic lab in the auditorium for any boy interested in playing basketball this season. Stop by the Attendance Center for a pass to attend.
over 3 years ago, Carla Guthrie
Good morning Oiler Nation! Happy Wednesday! Keep your head held high, keep your chin up, and most importantly keep smiling! Have a Great day!
over 3 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Tonight there will be a Booster Club Meeting at 5:30 pm in the EAWR Library located in the Main Building (masks required) all parents are invited to attend. Following that meeting tonight there will be an After Prom Meeting at 6:30 pm in the EAWR Library located in the Main Building (masks required) all junior and senior parents are invited to attend.
over 3 years ago, Leigh Robinson
Tomorrow night, we will be holding our fall sports awards at 7:00 pm. The room locations are listed below and you may enter at the main building doors or the east building doors based on where your team is holding their awards ceremony. Football - Student Center (main building, lower level) Volleyball - Courtyard (east building) Boys Soccer - Cafeteria (main building, lower level) Girls Tennis - Mrs. Zipprich’s room (east building, room 117) Cross Country - Mr. Garry Herron’s room (east building, room 112) Cheer - Library (main building, main level) Boys Golf - will be rescheduled Please remember that masks are required indoors and to practice social distancing throughout the event. We look forward to seeing you!
over 3 years ago, Mark Beatty
Good morning Oilers! Happy Tuesday! REMEMBER TO DO GREAT THINGS TODAY!
over 3 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Here in Granite City for some Oiler Hockey action! They kicked off their season tonight vs. Highland.
over 3 years ago, Mark Beatty
Our gym floor is being refinished due to a recent roof leak but these girls are working hard on day one with no excuses on day one of practice.
over 3 years ago, Mark Beatty
Today is Monday, November 1, 2021 **After Prom is selling Cardinal Calendars as a fundraiser. If you didn't get an order form please stop by the Attendance Center to pick one up. Calendars are $16 and all money and order forms are due by November 12th. **Attention Peer Leadership Members: There is a meeting today during Academic Lab in room E121, next to the Spanish classroom. Please attend! **Attention National Honor Society Members: There is a community service opportunity posted on our NHS Google Classroom page, which involves being a Salvation Army Bell Ringer at the Wood River Walmart on Saturday, December 4. Please see our classroom page for more details!
over 3 years ago, Carla Guthrie
Oilers it’s a new day and a new week! Start off fresh to accomplish your best! Have a great Monday and remember to do great things!
over 3 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Here are some reminders for the week of November 1st On Tuesday, Nov 2nd there will be a Booster Club Meeting at 5:30 pm in the EAWR Library located in the Main Building (masks required) all parents are invited to attend. Following that meeting on Tuesday, Nov 2nd there will be an After Prom Meeting at 6:30 pm in the EAWR Library located in the Main Building (masks required) all junior and senior parents are invited to attend. On Wednesday, Nov 3rd the EAWR Athletic Department is holding the Fall Sports Awards Night at 7 pm for all fall athletes and parents. ​​Please remember that masks are required indoors and to practice social distancing throughout the event. The room locations are listed below and you may enter at the Main Building doors or the East Building doors based on where your team is holding their awards ceremony. Football - Student Center (Main Building, lower level) Volleyball - Courtyard (East Building) Boys Soccer - Cafeteria (Main Building, lower level) Girls Tennis - Mrs. Zipprich’s room (East Building, room 117) Boys Golf - Mr. Duncan’s room (East Building, room 204) Cross Country - Mr. Garry Herron’s room (East Building, room 112) Cheer - Library (Main Building, main level) We look forward to doing great things this school year!!
over 3 years ago, Leigh Robinson
Wood River Parade
over 3 years ago, Leigh Robinson
Good luck to Aidan Loeffelman tomorrow as he attempts to qualify for state in cross country at the Wesclin Sectional. He will run at 11:00 am at Trenton Wesclin High School.
over 3 years ago, Mark Beatty
Please share your love for a great group of Principals!
over 3 years ago, Superintendent Miller
Happy Principals Day! Mrs. Robison, Mr. Gockel and Mr. Beatty are AWESOME! Oilers please let your Principals know how much you appreciate them and REMEMBER TO DO GREAT THINGS!
over 3 years ago, Superintendent Miller